Go on adventures.

For the past couple of years, I have been learning. 

I have learnt lessons hard and fast. I have learnt lessons gently. Gradually.
I have had lessons reveal themselves to me quietly, over time. And I have had lessons demand to be felt, immediately.
Both ways of learning have left their irrefutable mark on the person I am today, and every lesson learnt, has inevitably led me to find pieces of myself; pieces that had been waiting patiently throughout this world, for me to find them.

There is a small island within the Yasawa Islands in Fiji, called Nanuya Lai Lai. I found a piece there.
There is a quiet hour just before the sun rises, on the river Ganges in Varanasi, India. I found a piece there, too.
There is an old three story farmhouse, found an hour just out of Venice, Italy.
There is a little balcony, attached to a pink apartment building, in West Hollywood, Los Angeles.
And there is a rooftop, atop an old converted factory warehouse, in Bushwick, New York.
I found pieces of myself in all of those places. Pieces that I hadn’t even realised I’d been missing, all along.

And for every piece of myself that I found throughout my wanderings over these last two or so years, I have left pieces of my heart behind, in their place. And they will forever remain exactly where I willingly gave them up.
That is what travelling is, to me. An opportunity to find yourself, as well as an opportunity to leave a part of yourself behind.
Travelling also allows you the opportunity to leave a piece of yourself with another wandering soul, whose path happens to cross yours. It can happen so effortlessly, too.
You may just be telling them a story of your childhood, and suddenly- without either of you even realising it- a piece of you is now with them, wherever they may wander. Forever.
That is one of the most beautiful lessons that travelling has taught me, so far.
We are our stories. We are our adventures. We are mistakes made, love found, friendship’s lost, paths crossed, and lessons learned. We are made up of our experiences, and these experiences help us to strip away the layers of bullshit, that we’re all susceptible to believing make us who we are.

Life, is not about how many followers you have on Instagram, how many calories are in what you’re eating, or what god damn car you drive. Life, is about going on adventures that enrich your soul. Life is about giving back, without ever needing to declare it for the sake of exterior gratification. Life, is about being brave enough to never let anyone or anything ever stop you from exploring.
Swim in the ocean as the sun rises. Go on a road trip. Volunteer. Read. Listen. Forgive. Seek.
I want you to know, that there are pieces of yourself waiting to be found. And you won’t find them on any social media site. Trust me, I’ve looked.
Dare to look further. Dare to ask questions. Dare to stand for something more than what lies on the surface. Dig deeper.

I know that when you are alone, you feel it.
I know that whilst you may not ever vocalise it, you feel that you are different from everyone else. That you see the world from a perspective that you can’t quite articulate. That you’ve had specific experiences that you need to share.
You feel that you are here on this earth to make a difference. And I know that you feel completely overwhelmed by it all, too.
Please know that you feel all of this, because you are different. You do see the world from a different perspective. And you are wandering down your life path for a reason. To leave your mark.
And I know how isolating that can feel, too. I know how hopeless your chosen path can seem, at times.
Because I’ve felt it, too.
But what I most adamantly know, is that if you remain open to exploring, to wandering, to going on adventures, you will inevitably find the pieces of yourself that you’ve been needing all along, to help remind you of the reason you are here.

I hope that by reading this, you learn a quiet lesson that will go on to lead you to find a piece of yourself that you’d been waiting to find.
I hope you will always know that I am with you, from here on in. Because I have left a piece of myself with you, now.
I hope that it reminds you that I believe in you. I hope that it reminds you that you can make a difference.

And I hope that it always reminds you to go on some damn adventures.

30 thoughts on “Go on adventures.

  1. New adventures & travelling are the best. I can’t wait for my Jan 2015 adventure to start. Going to USA for the first time and I’ll be there for 6 months(:

    Excited to follow you on your adventures through your writing on this blog(: xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You’re amazing, if I had to spend all my life with only one person, I’d take someone like you. You explore and you learn so much, you are my inspiration and you have taught me that I need to explore and travel. You are amazing, I can’t even describe with words how much you have taught me
    Sending all my love x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s written very nice, Marny. I wish you good luck on your further way finding pieces of you. And I hope, you will be part of the generation to make a difference…in so many big tasks the world has ahead for you. Stay open for that. It’s not easy, but important.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow simply stated yet profound. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes all one needs to hear is “you are different” and it’s ok. Dig deep, keep digging and dream big. Traveling is an eye opening experience and all should do more if only to help ourselves out of preconceived notions. Thank you Marny and I wish you much success!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Reading this post felt incredibly good. A piece of you will always be carried with me. And yes, I’ll go on damn adventures. I will.
    Just thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow Marny you truly spoke out of my heart. I couldn’t believe that someone else feels the same way as me. It’s amazing how you wrote it. Thank you very much for this. XX


  7. I definitely have one piece of yourself with me.

    I’ve been following you for years and you have taught me so many important little things. Things you can’t learn at school. Things about life. Your passion about discovering the world and finding yourself inspire me to go on my own adventures and try to find my pieces. And I’m very thankful for that.
    Thanks for sharing your adventures, your thoughts and for that god damn piece I’d been waiting to find.

    Keep exploring. Can’t wait to read more stuff.
    Much love. x


  8. It’s true. Of course it is. But it actually makes me really sad. We can’t effort to travel and I know that it makes my parents sad. And I’m sad too… All these pieces of mine and of my parents waiting in countries we’ve never seen, places we’ve never been… So we will never be complete?


    1. Hey my love. I’m really glad you asked this. I answered something similar on twitter, with regards to ‘having the money’ to explore.

      What I told them, is that exploring is so much more than getting on a plane and travelling overseas. Whilst those experiences can be beautiful and enriching, you can explore this world and your inner self without needing to spend money on it. In my post, I said ‘Volunteer, Read, Listen, Forgive, Seek.’ These things don’t necessarily cost money, but they irrefutably lead you to learning valuable life lessons, which in turn, help you to discover pieces of yourself. So, in answer to your question- of course you will be complete. Because you are already complete.
      I just wanted to inspire people like yourself, to look further within, to discover more about themselves, and the impact that they have the ability to make. I believe that you will make a difference, my love. Without the need for money, to do so. You obviously have an incredibly beautiful, sensitive heart. I think that by being willing to explore that further, you will be able to help others realise their potential too. Sending lots of love to you, my gal. x


      1. I just wanted to respond: Thank you, you just made me smile. After reading this I’m sure you will find your very own pieces in all the countries and I will find them wherever life’s gonna bring me. I can’t describe how encouraging you are. I really hope you can see the world because you deserve it. You give so much and you never ask for getting something back. You really help a lot of people.
        Have a great day.
        Lily from Germany


  9. Absolutely beautiful Marny, every single word in this is so inspiring, like always you are putting a big smile on my face making me feel like I belong. Truely I believe anything is possible you just have to put your heart and soul into it, through this you have been my hero, the amazing person that I will always look up. When it’s my turn in a few years to come to travel, I will think of you and carry on with my journey of finding myself. I have forever hope in us and without you coming into my life I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Keep exploring and loving the whole experience, lots of love Abby 😉


  10. Damn it, Miss Marny, you’re truly an inspiration. I mean it. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing your thoughts which are valuable life – lessons.
    Knowing that a piece of your heart is with me, being an ocean away, really fulfills my soul.
    A piece of my heart is with you.
    Keep on writing, you’re awesome.
    Blessings, all the way back from Argentina.


  11. So happy for you, now that you’ve joined the wordpress universe!
    You do possess a particular grip over the English language. Your creative disposition seems to flow through into your writing. From what I’ve gathered, and how you project yourself on the internet, you seem to be a gentle soul. You definitely do, however, have a photographer’s eye, and a writer’s tongue.

    All the best, cheering you on from Australia!!! (I used to watch Mortified when I was growing up, so for me it’s kind of awesome, vicariously watching you grow into a beautiful woman. Ignore the possible creepiness of that sentence, haha.)

    — Natalie


  12. Thank you so much for putting this on here. I don’t even know how to put in words how much I loved these beautiful words of yours and how much they inspired me and gave me hope.
    You defenitely left a piece of yourself with me, and I will carry it all along my way of traveling and exploring.

    Love from Germany x


  13. This one is so great! I love to travel! Sometimes it feels like the only right thing for me to do in my life… but you still have to earn money for all of this 😦 if traveling would be for free, no one would ever see me again 😀


  14. One again your words have inspired me. Thank you for this blog, a piece of me if now with you. Sending my love x thankyou for being such an inspiring human being!!


  15. Definitivamente soy una persona de blogs, personas que escriben por pasión y no por likes, esas personas son mi lema, leer cosas como estas que te conectan, te inspiran y te llenan.

    Por que cada cosa inesperada que hacemos es una aventura, incluso una como esta, dejar un post.

    Escribo esta respuesta desde Colombia, por una persona que todavía tienes muchos pedazos por encontrar en el mundo.

    Sorry for the spanish, but i know this is a expirience so… enjoy ,, hahahaha

    let´s go on an adveture!


  16. Marny que hermosas palabras, enserio! realmente me he identificado y me inspiro a ir mas allá, mas allá de lo común , mas allá de lo del día a día, mas allá de lo monótono, siempre he tenido la idea de que cada día puede y debe ser diferente, haciendo nosotros algo diferente, haciendo notros algo de corazón, definitivamente me gusta vivir nuevas aventuras, aprender nuevas cosas cada día, afortunadamente tengo dos amigos con ideales parecidos a los míos, con ellos son con los que día a día disfruto de nuevas aventuras, e incluso tenemos planeadas varias que con el paso de los años disfrutaremos.
    Y tienes razón en cada parte a la que vas encuentras una parte de ti y tanto las personas se quedan con un fragmento de tu corazón, así como tu el de ellas.

    Lamento no escribir en ingles, ya que no soy buena haciéndolo 😉
    Te mando un gran abrazo desde México y quiero que sepas que en verdad eres una gran inspiración para mi y eres un gran ejemplo a seguir, ya que considero que eres de un espíritu libre, sabio y humilde.


  17. This text changed my Life… I’m really feeling that I don’t belong the place where I am, this is not the point. The truth is Just it: I have to seek my own, I’ll find it in the places where I go… Maybe I’m lost, but I know, this is more than theorie, this is Life! Thanks for all your words, You inspired a little girl that lives inside her bedroom for years… :’)


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